Helpful Kratom Articles

This page simply offers an easy Table of Contents for the growing library of Kratom articles we offer here on  There are not a bunch of random "spider food" articles that most webmasters place on their sites in hopes of getting rankings with Google.  This is a helpful library of articles specifically aimed at answering the many questions we've been asked regarding Kratom.  It's not an "FAQ", but instead, articles specifically related to general questions about Kratom that we've received along the way.  If you want to see something here, just ask, and we'll get an article up within a week with your answer.

Kratom Extracts - A discussion about what Kratom extracts are, how they're different, and how they're actually largely the same.

Kratom Leaf - All about the star of the show; Kratom Leaf in both powdered and crushed.

Why BuyKratom? - This article explains how we actually are quite a bit different than most of the sites appearing on the web trying to cash in on Kratom, as they ruin it for the rest of us responsible adults who treasure this ancient plant.

What is Maeng da Kratom? - The answer might surprise you as this is a slang term for a specific grade of Kratom and not a unique strain.

Again, please feel free to suggest any articles you'd like to see answers to here; I do respond personally to any request sent to sales at buykratom dot com.  This section isn't for order-specific Kratom questions, but for answers on general topics related to Kratom.


Botanical Legal Defense
- The top activist website fighting to Keep Kratom Legal - Premier informational website seeking to preserve ancient shaman knowledge, especially in relation to plants and how they relate to religion.

Keep Kratom Legal - The easy way to join the fight, over at NationBuiilder.  Even a small donation will help keep this fight alive, and ensure that Kratom is available to responsible adults for a long time to come.

Kratom Cultivation Secrets - Tips on how to grow Kratom plants; it's an amazingly easy plant to grow!